Every year hundreds of thousands of people file for bankruptcy because in today’s times, it is quite easy to get into a financial bind. If you find yourself having difficulty paying your bills every month due to unexpected medical bills or credit card debt, visiting with a professional credit attorney is an excellent idea. They can go over your options with you and if the situation warrants it, they can help you with one of the bankruptcy options available in an attempt to get you back on your feet as soon as possible.
Presenting You with All the Options
A good credit attorney will start by ascertaining your financial situation and deciding what the next step should be. Many people can improve their finances without filing for bankruptcy but if you do choose this option, there are different types to consider. Both Chapter 7 and Chapter 13 are choices for an individual and one allows you to repay your debts via a schedule that is convenient to you while the other one allows you to wipe out your debts and start all over again. Firms such as Fred Wehrwin, P.C. can help you determine which option is best for you but in both of these cases, you get the chance to start over again, which is always preferred over losing your home or other valuables.
Making the Best Decision Can Be Complex
One of the biggest advantages to consulting with a professional credit attorney is that he or she knows the ins and outs of all types of bankruptcy, which means that he or she can advise you on which one is best for you. It is sometimes difficult to make this decision on your own because each one has its own advantages but after a free consultation with a lawyer, it will be much easier to decide which type of bankruptcy you need. You can also connect them on Facebook.