Having your car end up under water is something no one would anticipate, or certainly make a plan for. However, the number of vehicles who somehow manage to end up in a river, lake or other body of water is surprisingly large. In cases like this, it’s important to have a resource to turn to for assistance as quickly as possible. Unfortunately, this is probably not the optimal time to be considering a towing company. Better to ask yourself a few questions ahead of time, so that you can make a decision quickly if the unfortunate should happen.
In essence, a reputable towing company will have a few characteristics for you to look out for and consider. First, try to find a towing company that specializes in your specific, current problem. If your car is sitting underwater, you’re going to need a company that is experienced in that kind of tricky retrieval. If you’ve had a mechanical failure, you want a towing company that has experience dealing with that and with your type of vehicle, if possible. Then there are the fees that they will charge.
This is the time to stay calm and clear-headed. Ask about their fees in detail. What does the charge include? How far will they tow you for that fee? Will they assist you with an insurance paperwork that may be necessary? Do they have experience in dealing with that sort of paperwork? These are questions you’ll need answered before you turn the keys over to them.
The last questions are for your insurance company. Do they know this company? Have they worked with them before? Do they have a preference for a towing company? Will they accept bills and charges if you use a company that is not on their recommended list? Again, these are questions that are ideally asked before an incident, but keep them in mind during the towing process, if possible.
Since it’s likely you won’t be able to call the Better Business Bureau from the side of the road, a little planning (and thinking) ahead, can save you aggravation and cash down the road. If you do find yourself stranded after a mechanical failure, accident or other situation where a tow is necessary, Spanky’s Wrecker, a Towing Service in Beaumont, TX, is happy to help.