Effective Bee Removal in MA

by | Nov 14, 2013 | Pest Contro

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Complete bee removal in MA involves the elimination of three types of bees. The honey bee, bumble bee, and carpenter bee are the different species that are found in the area. Guaranty Pest Elimination is the company you need to hire to do the job.Honey bees are orange and black with fuzzy bodies. Their hives are typically found in hollow trees or inside the wall of a structure. Honey bees are found in big groups when the queen searches for a new location to start a hive. They are not hostile unless they are provoked. Honey bees themselves do not cause structural damage, but their honey draws new insects and animals that may grow to be pests. If you observe honey bees coming in and out of holes or gaps in your house, it is highly probable they have constructed a nest there. To get rid of these pests, exterminators begin their work by conducting a complete inspection of your home to find and treat the source of the infestation. Honey bee entry and exit holes are covered with a dust formulation. If the hive is really large, exterminators may have to drill small holes into the wall to make sure plenty of dust gets through to kill the complete colony. It may take up to 72 hours to eliminate the entire hive. Bumble bees are yellow and black striped with fuzzy bodies. Unlike honey bees, bumble bees build their nests in the ground or in locations that they can easily burrow. They also are not hostile but will sting you if you aggravate them. They may dig a tunnel into your home’s insulation, but they typically do not cause much damage. They usually are not dangerous, but if you have bee allergies, you should probably avoid them. Exterminators use similar methods to eradicate bumble bees and honey bees. A dusting formulation is applied to the entry hole, which spreads throughout the colony. It may take up to 72 hours to eliminate an entire hive of this type as well.
Bee removal in MA will probably apply most to carpenter bees. Carpenter bees look like bumble bees with one stripe. They are rarely dangerous, but they do cause a tremendous amount of damage to wood products. Exterminators treat holes using an aerosol or dust formulation. Exposed wood is treated with a residual liquid spray to help prevent additional activity.