Four Tips for a Better Functioning Heating and Air Conditioning Unit in Arlington Heights

by | Jul 18, 2022 | Air Conditioning

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Heating and cooling systems are vital for keeping a home comfortable and inviting throughout all types of weather. Because these units are big investments, it is imperative homeowners know the steps they must take to ensure they keep them working properly. With these helpful tips, homeowners can properly maintain their heating and air conditioning in Arlington Heights. With proper AC maintenance, the heating and cooling system of a home will operate more effectively and efficiently.

* Most homeowners are aware of the importance of changing their filters on a regular basis, but that does not mean they always remember. When the filters become clogged with dirt, this chokes the system, causing reduced airflow. Eventually, this can allow dirt and debris to enter the system and cause damage to the internal components, which will lead to breakdowns. It is important to choose a high-efficiency air filter and one that is recommended for a home’s system.

* Outdoor compressors are a crucial part of any heating or cooling system. The compressor needs to be kept free of debris and all plant life to ensure air can circulate around the unit for normal function. Bushes, flowers, and trees need to be kept at least three feet from around the unit. If fencing is put in place to hide the unit, it needs to have openings that allow for proper air circulation.

* Programmable thermostats can help to prevent excessive strain on a Heating and Air Conditioning Unit in Arlington Heights. When a homeowner is constantly adjusting the thermostat, this can cause disruptions to the cycling frequency, which places pressure on the moving parts. Programmable thermostats keep a unit working properly.

* Inspections and tune-ups should be scheduled annually so a homeowner can be sure their system will be ready for the peak of summer. Ideally, homeowners should have their system checked near the end of winter before it will need to be turned on in summer.

If you follow these tips, you can keep your heating and cooling unit working properly all year long. If you would like to learn further information, contact Allied Air Conditioning & Heating Corporation – Palatine. With routine maintenance and service, these units will last longer and provide better service.