Top Reasons You May Need a Consumer Rights Attorney in Chicago

by | May 21, 2021 | Law

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Consumer law and consumer law attorneys protect you from illegal business practices and predatory business owners. This article will offer the top three reasons why you may wish to consult with a consumer rights attorney in Chicago.

Product Liability

If you have purchased a product that has caused you significant harm or has resulted in the death of a loved one, you may need a consumer attorney in Chicago. In this instance, the word “product” can refer to material items you buy, such as cars or children’s toys. But it can also refer to foods or medications that have made you very ill. Companies have an obligation to sell you safe products, and when they fail to meet that obligation, you may be entitled to file a lawsuit against them.

Predatory or Discriminatory Lending Practices

Since 1968, the Truth in Lending Act has been applied to all lending practices in the U.S. These lending practices must be fair and open without discrimination. Sometimes lenders will still discriminate against you, despite it being illegal. Other times, lenders will try to hide excessive fees in their contracts. A consumer attorney is designed to protect you against both types of unfair lending.

Lemon Laws

You may be familiar with the fear of purchasing a vehicle only to discover that it has a major defect that will cost you thousands of dollars to repair. Lemon laws are designed to guard against this type of dishonest selling by guaranteeing that you are entitled to a replacement vehicle. An attorney may be necessary if a dealer refuses to admit that the vehicle they sold you is defective.

Zimmerman Law Offices are consumer rights attorneys in Chicago and can be contacted.