Substance Abuse: Signs, Risk Factors and Reasons

by | Feb 19, 2019 | Health & Fitness

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In an age where information is already available with a single Google search, it’s surprising how many people still miss the signs. If you think you are already dependent on a substance and heading into addiction territory, here are a few things you should know.

Symptoms and signs

Are you starting to neglect your responsibilities at school or work? Do you continue to use the substance, even when you’re well aware that it can put you in danger? Are you starting to have problems in your relationship with important people in your life due to what they say about your use of the drug? These are all signs that you’re addicted.

If you have built up tolerance to the substance, suffer from withdrawal symptoms when you try to quit and have little to no control over your drug use, then it’s time to get help. Start looking for a facility that offers substance abuse treatment in Fort Lauderdale.

Risk factors

If someone in your family has a history of drug use and addiction, then that makes you more at risk of getting addicted, the HelpGuide says. If you suffer from neglect, abuse and other traumatic experiences, have mental disorders like depression and anxiety as well as have a history of prior drug use, then these all make you more vulnerable to addiction.


In many cases, people who use drugs do so as a coping mechanism. When a person is emotionally incapable of handling a situation, turning to drugs can seem like a viable outlet. Some users turn to drugs for pain medication, while others go for the escape offered by alcohol or drug addiction. For some, it can start out as a way to connect with other people socially. Whatever your reasons, though, if you think you have an addiction problem, get help. Seek out substance abuse treatment in Fort Lauderdale as soon as possible.