Protect Your Teeth with a Composite Filling in Marion, IA

by | Oct 31, 2017 | Dentist

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A composite filling is placed inside a tooth as treatment for a number of problems, including everything from cavities to tooth fractures, and the experts who utilize them know how to handle even the worst of situations. Serious problems may result in a number of treatments such as periodontal disease treatment and you need a reliable family dentist located nearby your area to help you find the best solution. It is not enough that you avoid any lasting issues such as an infection but you need someone capable of performing the service at a fast speed and with minimal discomfort.


A composite filling in Marion, IA is necessary as part of the treatment for cavities, regardless of their severity, because the removal of such will leave a hole in the tooth where the cavity once sat. You may call at Phone No to request an appointment or speak with a Business Name representative happy to help you work through your treatment options. If you suspect that you have a cavity or if you have not had a cleaning in the last year, you cannot afford to put off receiving an examination at your earliest convenience.

Structure Loss

There are some conditions that cause the structure of a tooth to deteriorate rapidly, such as a fracture after taking a bite of a particularly hard piece of food. Abrasion, attrition, and erosion are three examples of problems that will also cause the structure of your tooth to be lost over time, leaving you with the need for a composite filling to repair the damage and restore the tooth. The experts who help you with this process are happy to work with you to find the most affordable and lasting solution that will also offer natural-looking and beautiful results.