Make sure you stick with AHA CPR online courses versus classes set up by unofficial groups. Unless you meet the obligations set forth by the American Heart Association, you won’t receive legitimate certification. There are a number of programs online that aren’t worth their bandwidth. Protect yourself by ensuring the program you use has professional backing.
What Is the AHA?
“Learn and Live” is the motto of the American Heart Association. The non-profit group is dedicated to providing the public with the information they need to reduce heart problems and cut down on unnecessary deaths and disabilities resulting from them. The group was founded by physicians in 1924 and has made tremendous strides in helping members of the public learn how to save lives.
The American Heart Association conducts research to determine the most appropriate methods for recognizing the warning signs of a heart attack and figuring out the best methods for helping a victim. They also publish a great deal of information on how to avoid heart attacks and strokes by living healthier. Recently, the standard for CPR changed to a hands-only method that is performed faster than the standard method in the past. Changes like these are the reason certification lasts only a few years.
If you attend a non-AHA CPR online or offline course, you cannot be sure you’re receiving the most up-to-date information or learning the skills that can best save lives. This is especially important if your job puts you in a position where people are depending on you to safeguard their health. Not only does a non-credentialed course risk leaving you without the skills you need, it may not fulfill your work requirements.
Benefits of an Online Course
People are lured into taking non-credentialed courses because of their convenience, never questioning whether the information they learn would be valuable. The only way to ensure you’re enrolled in an appropriate class is to make sure it is supported by the American Heart Association. Schools that refuse to provide this information or downplay its importance should be avoided.
There are legitimate AHA CPR online courses, however. Many of these have an offline component where you can meet in person with an instructor to learn or demonstrate life-saving skills. You will not pass without adequately mastering what you need to know to really help someone either. Unlike a course that only wants your money, you will have to prove you’ve learned the latest techniques to pass and receive certification.
In New York and need an AHA CPR online course? Check out your options at