Understanding Wrongful Death and the Role of Personal Injury Attorneys in Baltimore

by | Dec 14, 2015 | Law Services

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A wrongful death situation can have a huge impact on the family of the victim. However, for some, the first problem is determining whether or not they are actually facing a wrongful death situation. The easiest way to determine if wrongful death has occurred is to determine if it was the result of another person’s intentional acts or negligence. There are a number of laws in place that offer a civil avenue for those who are suffering from the loss of a family member in these situations. In many cases, the best course of action is to speak with personal injury attorneys in Baltimore.

Types of Incidents that May be Considered Wrongful Death

While the term wrongful death can be extremely broad, it does not cover all types of incidents that result in the death of another person. It is essential that the reckless behavior or negligence of another person have been the reason for the tragedy. Some of the most common cases that are considered acts of wrongful death include:

*       Vehicle accidents that result from texting, drunk driving or other issues

*      Medical malpractice by a doctor who did not properly diagnose or treat an ailment correctly

*      accidents that result from no supervision or improper training

*      Drowning accidents that result due to property damage

*      Attacks, assaults or other criminal activities

*      Drugs or products that were considered defective and resulted in death

Who can File a Wrongful Death Claim?

It is also important to note that not just anyone can file a wrongful death claim. The person must be related to the victim and qualified people who can file include: siblings, parents, spouses, children or other dependents. For those who are unsure if they qualify to file the claim, they should speak with personal injury attorneys in Baltimore for more information.

It is also essential for those who bring the lawsuit forward, along with the help of their attorney, to gather sufficient evidence to support the claim. This includes that the person being blamed as responsible acted intentionally or negligently in the situation. Taking action sooner, rather than later, is also important in these situations since there is a statute of limitations in most situations.