Tips For Getting The Best CD Printing In NYC

by | Jun 11, 2014 | Computer and Internet

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There are many, many creative people that want to highlight their project with their own label and artwork. Companies that offer CD printing in NYC will usually also provide those ordering duplication or reproductions of CDs and DVDs to create their own labels, sleeves, inserts and traycards to add to the package. Getting everything done with one company is a great way to not only save costs but also to save time.

However, when you are creating your own artwork and designs to be used by the company offering CD printing in NYC you do have to keep some basics in mind. Sometimes it means talking to the staff and determining just what you need to do before uploading or copying the images to a CD-R, DVD-R for a zip drive for printing.


It is critical to save all images at the recommended resolution level. Many programs, including importing files from one program to another, will result in a default setting that has a very low resolution. Failing to use the right dpi setting will result in a blurry or grainy image that will definitely not provide the look you want. Most of the systems used by those companies offering CD printing in NYC will automatically provide you with an error message if the resolution is too low.

Incorrect Placement

Only use the template, and the specific template, for the type of CD printing in NYC that you want. You should not simply cut and paste from one template to another without verifying that the image, fonts and design is still in the correct position.

Another common mistake is to crop or stretch images on the template outside of the margins provided. This will automatically change the position of the image or group based on what option you used.

Guides Left On

If you are using guides or mask layers to create your design it is essential that you remove all these added features before you save and upload or copy the design. If you fail to do so they would be printed out on the final copy as the company offering CD printing in NYC does not alter your image or design in any way prior to printing.

Using a professional company to do CD printing in NYC is a great way to customize your next project. Just follow all guidelines outlined on their website and double check the project before submitting.

We can complete all your CD printing in NYC needs.