It’s tragic that many good people have unknowingly done or said something that caused them to be deprived of fair compensation after an auto accident. These mistakes are avoidable but difficult or impossible to correct after the fact. The insurance company is the only winner in these cases.
The Eight Most Common Mistakes That People Make After an Accident
1. Don’t Lie
Assume that every conversation is recorded and that one statement will be compared to another. This is also true of forms. False information provided on the insurance application, for example, could void personal injury coverage.
2. Don’t Talk About the Case
The ONLY people to discuss an ongoing lawsuit with are auto accident lawyers in Rochester, MN. Don’t talk to adjusters or the insurance company lawyers. Don’t discuss the case with friends, co-workers or your next-door neighbor.
3. Don’t Sign Anything
Regardless of what it is, don’t sign anything; let a lawyer examine it.
4. Don’t Wait Too Long
The statute of limitations in Minnesota is two years from the date of the accident.
5. The Insurance Company Will Spy on You
It’s easier now than it ever was for the insurance company to hire investigators and conduct surveillance. They will take videos and photos during the course of the case. Injured people often have good days and might attempt a task that hadn’t been possible. That’s understandable by jurors, but if the victim had lied about trying the task, and a photo proves the lie, it could cost them everything.
6. Facebook and Twitter Aren’t Private
Count on insurance company looking for and examining all social media accounts. Don’t post or tweet anything that could jeopardize the lawsuit. Don’t add any new “friends.”
7. Don’t Skip Doctor Appointments
Skipping doctor appointments or not following medical advice will make it look as though the injury is not that serious. Show that every attempt is being made to get well. Also, never let the words “my attorney said…” cross your lips.
8. Keep All Evidence
Anything to do with the medical treatment is evidence and must be kept, including pill bottles, prescriptions and braces.
The Gittus Law Office has been fighting for victims’ rights for 30 years. Before making costly mistakes, consult these auto accident lawyers in Rochester, MN. Call them today to schedule a free consultation.