In a time where DIY projects are very popular, and it’s easy to find instructions on how to do just about anything, there’s still something to be said for a professional’s touch on a roofing project. Many attempt in-house roofing, but there are many reasons to opt for professional repair and Roof Installation in Topeka KS.
It’s Very Dangerous
This reason may seem obvious, but it bears repeating. Doing a complex task on the rooftop puts the homeowner in a hazardous situation, where a fall could cause lasting injury. Avoid the risk by hiring a licensed, bonded and insured roofing contractor.
It’s Tough
Roofing isn’t a job for the faint-at-heart. The average package of shingles weighs between 60 and 80 pounds, and each pack can cover roughly 30 square feet. That means frequent trips up and down the ladder, just to get all the shingles up to the rooftop. Contractors are used to carrying these heavy loads, where a homeowner may not be ready for such physical labor.
It May Void the Warranty
Shingles come with limited-duration warranty coverage that remains in effect only with proper installation and care. If a homeowner does a subpar job on the installation and then has roof issues, the warranty may not be honored. However, a roofing contractor uses proper installation and maintenance methods to preserve the roof’s warranty.
No Recourse for Poor Workmanship
Just like warranty coverage, this can also be a problem when a homeowner installs a roof incorrectly. If one hires a roofer who does a poor job, they are obligated to resolve the issue or refund the customer. However, if a DIY repair goes awry, the homeowner must fix it at his or her own expense.
Get the Job Done Right From the Start
A sure way to avoid the above issues is to hire a professional for Roof Installation in Topeka KS. Customers should ask for recommendations from neighbors, and they should vet those references carefully. By choosing the right company, customers can be assured of correct installation. Hiring a pro with website Domain may cost more upfront, but it can save a significant amount of money, time and frustration in the long term.