3 Ways That a Lawyer Can Help With Seeking Benefits for SSI in Flagstaff, AZ

by | Apr 15, 2022 | Attorneys

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Supplemental Security Income is a benefit that people with lower incomes may be eligible to receive. In order to receive these benefits, certain qualifications must be met. If you think that you may be eligible, the most practical way to proceed is to seek out a lawyer who understands the nature of SSI in Flagstaff, AZ, and how it works. Here is what the lawyer can do for you.

The first thing that your legal counsel will do is determine if you meet the basic qualifications for this type of benefit. For example, you may have a disability that would make you eligible. Age and some degree of physical incapacitation may also have an impact. Once there’s an indication that you might qualify, the lawyer can help you with the next steps.

As with any claim submitted to the Social Security Administration, care must be taken in providing answers to all the questions. You want to include complete and accurate data for each one. A lawyer can help you prepare the claim in a way that ensures the SSA has everything needed to properly assess the claim.

Last, there is the potential for having a claim rejected. That does not have to be the end of your attempt to secure SSI in Flagstaff, AZ benefits. Your lawyer can file an appeal, then represent you at the hearing. In many instances, the hearing will result in approval and possibly even make the benefits retroactive to the date of the original claim.

Don’t avoid seeking benefits that you qualify for because of what seems an intimidating process. Find a lawyer who can help you with the claims process. In the long run, you stand a better chance of receiving what is deserved. For more information, please contact Slepian Ellexson, PLLC, today.