Month: January 2017

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Learning More about Cataracts

As the population grows older and more baby boomers reach the age of retirement, health concerns like cataracts are becoming more common. However, there is no need to be worried if this happens to you, thanks to modern medical science and highly skilled cataract...

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Uses of Carbon in Various Industries

Carbon is an interesting chemical element. It is widely found throughout nature and the environment. It can bond with oxygen to make three different compounds. Carbon also has two allotropic forms that are well known, which are graphite and diamond. It has extremely...

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The Effectiveness of Laser Hair Removal

 Traditional hair removal techniques like waxing, plucking, and shaving provide only temporary results. These techniques can also be painful, expensive, and become irritable to your skin. However, laser hair removal can provide positive results and is safe to have...

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Benefits of hot tubs

Portable hot tubs in San Diego, and other areas around the country, can offer numerous benefits to you and your family. There are a number of ailments, conditions and diseases that having a hot tub can help ease the symptoms of. Among them are: Diabetes: Using a spa...

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